We are a flock of female specialist trainers dedicated to supporting you.
How we found our nest
October 2014
After a decade of traveling around the world, our Kiwi founder Shani Yeend settled in London. It all started with a post on a Facebook forum to see if any birds were keen to "get moving in the park" with Shani.
You chose the park and the time. We showed up for a circuit-style 'bootcamp' using our body-weight or park benches, Shani bringing her infamous energy and community gathering vibes. We quickly realised the birds of South East London are a hard working and friendly flock.
Fitbirds started to grow its wings.
As we continued to sweat and lol together, a specialist class formula evolved. The most exciting this that happened, we began to create a community.
We fly away together
September 2018
We flew to Portugal together for our first ever retreat. As a group of 21 birds, we shared taxis and boarded flights together with a real anticipation of knowing something magical was about to happen. We united as one super flock, supported each other for 5 days, time slowed down. We shed unwanted feathers and grew new ones. To this day, our retreats are our fave date in the calendar.
We expand our flock
In March 2020 for 12 months we connected mostly through the little squares on the screen. Within these 12 intense, life changing months of a global pandemic, our Fitbirds community grew from strength to strength. We collectively realised the power of connecting, specifically through fitness and wellness. As an outdoors business we were allowed to train as a small flock of 5 birds, 2 metres apart, any equipment sanitised before and after use. No physical contact. What a strange time. We were never more grateful.
During the summer we were allowed to migrate in larger groups outside, our Fit & Well Birds Challenge found its purpose: bringing birds together to connect, community more than ever needed. Our Fit & Well Birds laid the foundations to reunite to our share experiences of COVID-19, through tears, lols and sweat.
Shani gave birth to not one, but two babies during the pandemic, Minnie and Rocky arrived into the world.
Shani and Charlie officially became each others wing birds, a life partnership made in heaven.
We refine our
postnatal rehabilitation
By 2022 Fitbirds have trained and rehabilitated thousands of women through classes and personal training. We launched The Core Method: using science based, natural physiological processes of our body to rehabilitate the deep core unit, inclusive of the pelvic floor. We are driven to push the boundaries of how we move, breath and connect (and reconnect) within our body, mind and soul. It's all interconnected birds and we are here to show you how.
Our nest grows
Charlie gives birth to her first baby, Sadie. Our flock is growing and becoming mothers has given Shani and Charlie the determination to spread effective, embodied and empowering training to women as far as they can reach.
We cannot wait to share the joys of flying with you.
Are you interested in joining our flock of fitness & wellness specialists? Read here.