We are passionate about building strength birds. And the most effective and efficient way to build strength is by lifting weights.
To celebrate the launch of our baby Strong In 30 Days (an online programme), Fitbirds Founding Directors Charlie and Shani invite you to a 2hr workshop to elevate your weight lifting goals.
A Strong Workshop will be a physical and education experience, always playful and welcoming to all birds.
We will be laying down the foundational exercises and training formulas to ensure you are not only training safely - but effectively so you meet your goals, build muscle and (the key) CONTINUE to build muscle.
Because you don't need us to remind you - that sadly as women (from the age of 30) we are wilting away, that is, our muscle mass. And by the end of menopause we can lose up to 10% of our bone density. This is not ok. Hence why the continual need to build strength and lean muscle mass.
So why weights? Because it's the most efficient and the best way to progressively ensuring you continue to build muscle and do not plateau.
Let us show you how birds.
BYO mat, water and any weights you have at home.
(no worries if you do't have any weights, we'll be prepared with a heavy stash).

What To Expect:
8.45am Arrive, roll our your mat, connect with your flock.
9am Breath work, intention and mobility warm-up
9.15am Educational: An intro to strength building and lifting weights
9.45am Practical: We work out. Together we will train birds, using the foundational, compound exercises and testing out the science based formulas of "low reps, high sets and high weights".
10.15am Stretch
10.30am Educational: Consistency and Progression
11pm Goodbyes