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Katie’s Baby Journey

Writer's picture: Katie VetchKatie Vetch

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Earlier this year we said “see you soon” to our fave trainer Katie Monks as she was to take to the West End stage, little did we know what was really in store for Katie. We welcone Katie back to our nest with our wings open wide & ridiculously excited for her & her man Joe.

We asked Katie to share we journey with us…

“Growing a baby is tough.

There was me thinking that the biggest struggle for us was going to be conceiving. Granted it took constant checking of iHCG levels, doctors appointments and lifestyle changes, but we feel very lucky that we were able to conceive.

Fast forward to 6 weeks pregnant and I was struck down with HG, and when I say struck down I mean completely and utterly mortal kombat style K.O.

HG (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) is a debilitating pregnancy sickness morning, noon and night. It’s so severe that unfortunately 1 in 10 women will have an abortion, due to the severity of the illness.

I couldn’t eat, sip water or get out of bed.

Numerous hospital visits, IV drips and 3KG weight loss. On the days I could lift my head off the pillow I’d try to seek help from sickness groups including Pregnancy Sickness Support and Hyperemisis Sisterhood

I started to notice a pattern, women experiencing HG are massively left on their own to deal with ‘morning sickness’. I’m not discrediting morning sickness and chances are if it is truly awful ‘morning sickness’ you’re probably suffering from HG. I feel that when you’re averaging more than 20 pukes a day and unable to enjoy your pregnancy in any capacity, there needs to be more advice and guidance out there.

Having the incredible job of bringing up a little human is one of the most important things for me to have in my life. As a result of the sickness, I had to say goodbye to my performing job. The sickness took me out for so long I was in no shape to perform.

It was time to prioritise my health but also my growing baby’s health! Who knows what this means for my performing future, but I know that once little one’s here, if that bug to perform is still in my bones, I’ll come back fighting stronger than ever.

I feel incredibly lucky to be able to be back personal training with birds who empathise and understand motherhood along with helping me to feel mentally empowered. Fitbirds have an incredible team of pre and postnatally trained goddesses along with a community of the most supportive women who continuously mesmerise me with their power.

I am forever indebted to my partner Joe for everything you did to make the journey a little easier. I genuinely don’t know how I would have gotten through it without you. Seeing me at my absolute worst is good practice I suppose for the labour days ahead!

I so desperately wanted to create an IG page about HG whilst I was at my worst, but unfortunately I couldn’t muster the energy or lift my head off the toilet most days.

This post is to help continue to create awareness surrounding HG and if anyone I know or comes across this post and is struggling, please PLEASE message me and have a look at these useful groups / websites.

I am forever in awe of the female body! Women, we are strong, our bodies are incredible, and whatever you are going through right now in your pregnancy, you can and you will get through this! Keep going and reach out if you can!”

What a bloody ride us birds we have huh? Katie babe, we love everything about you & feel honored to have you lead us & share you experiences with us! Katie is teaching classes in all three nests & has space for PT, reach out for 1:1 with out number one bird.


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